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Goraegagem Privacy Policy


최종 수정일: 2021년 12월 5일

Goraegagem Privacy Policy



This policy gives a description onhow Goraegagem (“us”, “we”, or “our”) collects, uses, shares, andprotects information about you for our games on mobile devices, PCs, or onother platforms in order to provide you with excellent service and develop ourproducts.

All Goraegagem activitiesregarding marketing, advertising, and other services (“Services”) are governedby this Privacy Policy. Using or accessing a Service on any platform means thatyou agree to the use of your information in compliance with this PrivacyPolicy. This policy also describes how you can withhold or withdraw yourconsent to the use of your data, including for targeted advertisements, and howto request to know about, correct, or delete the information we hold.

Goraegagem is dedicated totransparency, data privacy, and security, and follows the strict regulationsrequired by the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), LGPD(Lei Geral deProteção de Dados) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), as detailedin this privacy policy.

If you have any concerns, please contactus using the methods provided in the Contact Us section of this document. Ifyou disagree with your information being used as described in this PrivacyPolicy, please do not install or use the Services.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on23.06.2020.


Your information is collected at thestart of using our games and/or other Services, such as and our website. We use this datato provide you with better game experiences and Services for the purpose ofoptimization, preventing fraud, and for marketing and advertising. We may alsocollect information from advertising platforms and partners and other thirdparties such as information about purchases and interests.

We may collect and process the followingtypes of information:

· The type of your device, IP address, your game ID whenusing the app, and the country or region that you’re playing in;

· Details about your gameplay on our app, including: amountof time played, if you have left the game on a specific level or if you havecleared it, and your scores on levels, and items you own or use;

· Purchase history on behalf of our payment serviceproviders to keep a record on if a purchase has been successfully made. We donot collect credit card information;

· Information we collect via cookies and other similartechnologies, as explained further below;

· Communications between you and us, whether in-game, viaemail, or through social media channels. We keep a record of these communicationsto provide customer service by answering your questions and providing you witha better experience using our app;

· Information from our other group companies or other thirdparty companies who have your consent or have other legal rights to share grantedinformation with us (advertising networks and publishing partners, platforms).This may include your interests, other games you played, demographic andgeneral location information. We use this information as described in thisPrivacy Policy;

· Information that you provide when you connect to yoursocial network account when creating an account with us. This may include, butis not limited to: your name, address, email address, or otherinformation;

· information as further set out in this PrivacyPolicy, including Social sharing features , Marketing and Advertising

If you choose not to connect to yoursocial network accounts when using our games, we still collect anonymousinformation. There will still be device level identifiers and other informationdescribed here, but there will be no personally identifiable information.

We may ask for your approval to collectother information in some circumstances from you or your device. If thissituation arises, we will inform you what information we are to collect, thereason we collect it, and how we will be using that information.

Information Usageand Sharing

Optimizing OurServices We analyze and optimize to provide you the best possible products by using yourinformation from the use of our Services and analysis of de-identified oraggregated data to analyze the performance of our games, troubleshoot problems,verify that our websites work properly on all devices, create updates, anddevelop and improve the quality of our products.

CustomerServices We may use your information delivered or provided directly to us in anycommunications in terms of customer service and through its channels will beused. We may use such information to contact you and to manage your account andrelationship with us to improve your experience in our Services. Our customerservice channel is found at

Analytics andResearch We collect information using analytics tools such as third party analyticstools to see how you play our games or use our Services. Those tools maycontain cookies or other similar tracking technologies. We may use your datafor research and analytics purposes to engage with you directly. We may alsocreate reports, analysis or similar services for use by us for the purposes ofresearch or business intelligence.

Social andCommunity There are social and community channels we use to communicate with our players.We receive your information only when you initiate interaction on thosechannels, and any information you provide may be used in connection with thosechannels. If you choose to interact with our channels, we may communicate withyou through those channels and may republish your posts on those channels.

Social Sharing Our Services may offer social sharing features and other integrated tools thatallow you to connect with other media. You must be over the minimum age limitprescribed by the legislation in your country and local government to use suchsocial sharing features which may, depending on the settings you set with theprovider, share information with your friends or the public.

Our Services contain social featuresfrom the providers listed below. For more information about the processingdriven by the third parties regarding social sharing features, please visit theprivacy policies of the providers found here:

Other Usage andSharing The other main way that we use and share information is for marketing andadvertising reasons. This usage is described in more detail below. We donot sell your information.


We may serve ads based on yourinformation we collect about you within our Services, or place ads on thirdparty websites, apps and internet-connected devices. This information mayinclude:

· Ad identifiers and other non-personal informationcollected from your device

· Your interactions with our game and Services, includinggame play information

· Your age, country or region, and gender

· Other information collected from third parties who haveobtained your consent or have a legal right to share it with us.

This information is used to try to makesure that you only see marketing from us that you are interested in, includingour other games. Please note that if you opt-out, you may still haveadvertisements in the game, but they will not be targeted advertisements(advertisements that are tailored to your interests by using your information).

MarketingPartners There are various third party marketing partners we use to help market ourgames. With the help of your information collected when you use their services,they make assumptions to ensure that most relevant advertising that you wouldprefer to see is presented and evaluate the effectiveness ofadvertisements.

This Privacy Policy does not cover thedata use of our marketing partners, but they are required to have a legal basisto use your data for marketing purposes and to provide you the details on howit’s being used. For more information we recommend for you to read ourpartners’ privacy policies on their websites.


Our games include advertising for thirdparty products and services. We and our partners use your information toimprove advertising and targeting for third party ads that are shown in ourgames. This information is used to make sure that the ads that you see might beof interest to you or relevant to you.

This information may include:

· Ad identifiers and other non-personal informationcollected from your device

· Your interactions with our game and Services, includinggame play information

· Your age, country or region, and gender

· Other information collected from third parties who haveobtained your consent or have a legal right to share it with us.

Please note that if you opt-out, you maystill have advertisements in the game, but they will not be targetedadvertisements (advertisements that are tailored to your interests by usingyour information).

Advertising Partners Non-personal identifiers and other information that is collected from yourdevice when you play our games or use our Services may be shared withadvertising partners in order to deliver ads to your device. Such informationmay be combined with information that our advertising partners collectseparately to serve you with more relevant ads (targeted ads) and to enhancethe accuracy of their targeting. For more information we recommend for you toscan through our partners’ privacy policies on their websites

Ad Identifiers We use ad identifiers that are non-permanent, non-personal identifiers such asthe Android and/or Apple’s ID for advertising associated with your device, andsimilar technologies such as tracking pixels within ads to provideinterest-based advertising. These technologies enable us and our third partyadvertising partners to recognize you and your device, allow our Services tointeract with a third party social network or platform, and help our paymentprocessors to complete your payment instructions.

Your Rights andControl of Data

Right of Access/ Right to Know All users have a right to know what information we collect about them and howwe use or share that information. If you wish to know which information wecollect and hold about you, please use the methods described in the Contact Ussection so we can verify your identity to provide you with requestedinformation. You may only request your own personal information, andinformation will not be provided about other users. You will be required tofollow the verification process listed under the “Verification Process” sectionbelow for security reasons.

InformationCorrectness If there is any information we hold about you that you would like to correct,please let us know using one of the methods listed in the Contact Us section.We will make corrections as soon as possible. You will be required to followthe verification process listed under the “Verification Process” section belowfor security reasons.

Data Retentionand Deletion Goraegagem retains the personal information described in this PrivacyPolicy while you use our Services in order to fulfill the purpose(s) for whichit was collected, resolve disputes, conduct audits, or to fulfill legalpurposes. All personally identifiable user data is retained for 6months, and is permanently deleted afterward. If you wish to have your datadeleted sooner, please contact us using the methods described in the Contact Ussection. You will be required to follow the verification process listedunder the “Verification Process” section below for security reasons. Please be aware that if you want to delete your user ID completely, you may beasked to delete our game(s) from your mobile devices.

There may be some information that willbe maintained for record-keeping and legal purposes, which will not be sharedwith Third Parties unless legally required. Some de-identified information ordata collected in aggregate that does not contain personally identifiableinformation may be retained as well.

AccountDeactivation You can deactivate the account you created in our game by contacting us usingthe methods described in the Contact Us section. You will be required to followthe verification process listed under the “Verification Process” section belowfor security reasons. Please note that your unspent virtual items will not remainor be recoverable after your account is deactivated.

Verificationprocess If you request to know about, correct, or delete your personal information, youwill be required to open the relevant game to send us a second message usingthe in-app messaging system to allow us to verify your user ID and use that IDto retrieve any requested information. Without this step we will not be able toverify and provide information related to your account.

Data Portability You have the right to request the data provided to us to be transferred toanother data controller in some circumstances according to the laws in thecountry where you live.

Restriction ofProcessing You may request a restriction of the processing of your data in somecircumstances according to the laws in the country where you live.

Right to Object You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in somecircumstances according to the laws in the country where you live.

AuthorizedAgents Authorized agents, including parents or guardians, may make a request on behalfof the user in the same ways as listed above. If you have any questions, pleasecontact us using one of the methods listed in the Contact Us section.

Opt Out

· Direct marketing Please follow the opt out link included with our marketing communications (suchas emails) if you would not like to receive direct marketing communicationsfrom us. If you receive more than one type of marketing communications, you mayneed to opt out of all of them individually. A few days might take for ourrecords to be effectively updated.

· Push Notifications We may occasionally use push notifications to send you game updates or otherServices-related notifications that may be important to you. You may opt outfrom receiving these types of communications at any time by turning them offfor your phone or tablet settings.

· Preferences for Advertising You may reset your ad identifier being used for interest-based advertising bychanging the settings of your device, usually found under “privacy” or “ads”.You can also opt-out from your information being collected if you live in theUSA, Europe or Canada by visiting (forUS users), (forEuropean users) or (forCanadian users).If you would like to withdraw your consent for targetingadvertisements, please contact us using one of the methods in the Contact Ussection. Please note that if you opt-out, you may still have advertisements inthe game, but they will not be targeted advertisements (advertisements that aretailored to your interests by using your information).

Other ImportantPolicies

Children To use and play our Services you must be over a certain age depending on whereyou live. For the full list of age restrictions by country, please see below.We do not knowingly collect personal information from or direct or targetinterest based advertising to anyone under the ages set out below. We also donot knowingly allow such persons to use our Services. If you are aware thatpersonal data has been processed under the age set out below, please contactour Data Protection Officer ( so we can delete that information asquickly as possible.

The list below shows the age you must beto play and use our games and Services depending on which country you are inwhile using our games and Services. Please do not play our games or use ourServices if you are under the relevant age.

CaliforniaPrivacy Rights According to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), users who areCalifornia residents may request and obtain a list of the Third Parties to whomwe have disclosed their personal information (if any) and the type of personal informationdisclosed to those parties during the prior calendar year. This list may berequested once per year and free of charge.

Non-Discrimination Users have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment by the businessfor exercising privacy rights according to the CCPA and other relevant dataprivacy laws and regulations.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy andPractices We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, as needed. We will notifyyou via our apps if there are any material changes that affect your use of ourservices, as required by applicable laws. Changes will also be posted on thiswebsite, and the revised version will be applicable immediately after it isposted or notice is received. If you continue to use our services after anychanges have been made, you hereby provide your consent to the changes.

We commit to provide information to ourusers before using their information for any new purpose not stated in thisPrivacy Policy and give them the opportunity to opt out if they do not agree.If consent for information usage or processing is required by law orcontract, Goraegagem will comply with the law or contract.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concernsabout this Privacy Policy, including to exercise any of your rights, there areseveral ways to contact us:

1. via our customer services pageat;

2. via email to;

For information collected under thisPrivacy Policy, the data controller is GORAEGAGEM Corp. Our Data ProtectionOfficer can be contacted here:


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